Thursday, March 5, 2020

?? Top Tips for New University Students - Infographic

?? Top Tips for New University Students - Infographic Top Tips for New University Students - Infographic Starting university can be a daunting experience, especially for those who have never lived away from home. There’s a lot to adjust to but much more to be excited about!Whether you’re most looking forward to freshers week, meeting new people or getting stuck into your degree, the university experience is whatever you make of it. You will, however, be given much more independence than you had in school and this new responsibility can be hard to handle.Things like budgeting, cooking for yourself and managing your time might be completely new to you.These can be challenging things to learn, which is why we’re here to help! If you've been convinced that university is the right option for you and wish to apply, you can find our ultimate university applications guide here.As well as our best tips to beat stress during the application process.Created byKatie Myers - a writer forTranscribe It. As well as providing a range of high-quality transcription services, Transcribe It also produces online content relating to writing, language and academia.

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